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Entity Relationship (ER) Model Assignment 1

DBMS Tutorial 2.2

Entity Relationship (ER) Model More Quiz

DBMS Tutorial 2.1

Assignment 1

We will be using the below scenario of an EasyShop Retail Store as a running example and context for most of the assignments in this course.
The assignments for the day must be worked out on a notepad.

All relations for the retail shop application along with their attributes are mentioned below. A customer can buy multiple items and will receive different bills for each item bought. A customer can purchase at more than 1 retail outlet. Each retail store will have multiple employees. Employees can work in only 1 retail outlet. Managers are also employees. Customers living at the same address are spouses.

1. Customer (CustId, CustType, CustName, EmailId, ContactNo, Address)
2. RetailOutlet (ROId, Location, ManagerId)
3. Item (ItemCode, ItemType, Desc, Price, ReorderLevel, QtyOnHand, Category)
4. Employee (EmpId, EmpName, Designation, EmailId, ContactNo, WorksIn)
5. PurchaseBill (BillId, RetailOutlet, Item, Customer, BillAmount, Bill Date, Quantity)

Identify candidate key(s), primary key and foreign key(s) for the above relations.

Identify the possible relationships and their cardinality.

The management of EasyShop wants to identify the customer and his/her spouse who is also a customer. How do you create this relationship?

Entity Relationship (ER) Model Assignment 1

DBMS Tutorial 2.2

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The Entity Relationship (ER) Model Assignment

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