Dart Programming Language |
Introduction to Dart Programming Language
What is Dart?
Dart Programming Language is developed by Google which is a client-optimized programming language. The development process on Dart Programming Language is very fast which supports multiple platforms, i.e, Dart Programming Language by Google is used to build mobile, desktop, backend and web applications.
Dart Programming Language is an open-source, object-oriented, garbage-collected, general-purpose, class defined language that uses a C-style syntax that transcompiles optionally into JavaScript. Dart Programming Language also supports both loose and strong typing.
Dart is a Static as well as Dynamic Type programming language. It also supports Type Infarant with the pre-defined keyword var.
Plush sign "+" is the concatenation operator in the Dart programming language.
Plush sign "+" is the concatenation operator in the Dart programming language.
Static Types means if a developer defines a variable as string you can not assign other type value (like integer, double, etc) in that string type variable.
Type Infarant means if the developer uses the var keyword to define a veriable then the developer will store any data type variable in the defined variable with the var keyword.
Dart Programming Language supports two types of compilation, that is, AOT (Ahead Of Time) and JIT(Just In Time) compiler.
Just In Time (JIT) compilation done at the run time.
Dart Code --> JIT compile duting development (D:\> dart dartProgram.dart) --> Run the program (Output)
Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation is done at the end of the final product deployment with sone optimization.
Dart Code --> AOT compile at the end of development (D:\> dart dartProgram.dart) --> Run the program (Output)
Is Dart Programming Language is easy to learn?
Dart Programming Language is very easy to learn. If you already have knowledge or experience in an object-oriented language such as Java, C#, C++, JavaScript, etc. then the Dart programming language is an exceptionally easy language to learn.
Dart Programming Language supports both loose and strong typing that makes it much easier to use when moving from one language to a different language.
How to start working with Dart Programming Language?
To start working with Dart Programming Language visite the dart official website https://dart.dev and click on the Get Dart option in the navigation bar that refers to the link https://dart.dev/get-dart. There you will see the step by step guide to get started with Dart Programming Language.
To get started with Dart Programming Language you have to install the Dart SDK based on your operating system.
Which code editor we can use to write Dart code?
There are many code editors to start with writing Dart code like Notepad, Sublime Text Editor, Visual Studio Code, etc.
There is also an online code editor for writing Dart code which is known as DartPad. It is only for practice Dart code online. Visit https://dartpad.dartlang.org/ to write dart code online.
What is the extension of saving Dart Programming?
The extenstion of saveing the Dart Programming is .dart (i.e, firesDartProgram.dart, dartProgram.dart, etc.)
Write a Dart Programming Language to print "Hello World"?
Program: (helloWorld.dart)void main(){
print("Hello World!!!");
How to run Dart Program?
Follow the following steps to run the Dart Program:
Step 1: Open command prompt or terminal.
Step 2: Go to the path where you have saved the dart program.
Step 3: Now, write "dart yourDartFileName.dart" in the command prompt or terminal then you will get your dart program output.
For example:-
D:\> dart helloWorld.dart
Hello World!!!
Note: Ever dart program must have the main() function as in C-programming.
Dart |
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Dart Programming Language |
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